Access to Files Policy and Procedure for Approved Organisations
Scope of this chapter
For access to records by service users please refer to the Recording Policy Procedure, Access to Records.
- External organisation contacts council with details of request for personal information. See External Data Sharing Application Proforma;
- Social care administration (Fieldwork, Fostering & Adoption, Health & Disability, etc.):
- Check status of requestor as appropriate;
- Check Liquid Logic;
- Identify file location;
- Identify appropriate Team Manager and provide details to external organisation either orally or in writing;
- Alert where there is limited information to Team / Manager as appropriate to request.
- External organisation contacts the Service Manager to arrange file access (including information held on CASTLE);
- Team Manager assesses requestor right of access:
- Agrees access;
- Contacts Service Manager to register decision;
- Contacts CASTLE Team to arrange temporary login.
- External organisation access relevant files securely. The agency viewing information can view paper and electronic files in a shared room. They do not need to be directly supervised as the Castle Team can manipulate the extent of access.
Requests for copies of documents need to be made via Information Governance Team. Reports on Liquid Logic should be printed off i.e. Referrals and Assessments.
Confidential information should be contained within 3rd party access on Castle.
Some documents can be shared with written consent from the Service User i.e. Single Assessments etc.
- External organisation contacts council with details of request for personal information;
- Social care administration (Fieldwork, Fostering & Adoption, Health & Disability, etc):
- Check status of requestor as appropriate;
- Check Liquid Logic;
- Identify file location;
- Identify last responsible Team / Manager and provides details to external organisation;
- Alert Team / Manager as appropriate to request and requires them to retrieve files.
- Last responsible Team / Manager recall files from storage;
- External organisation contacts the Team Manager to arrange file access (including information held on CASTLE);
- Team Manager assesses requestor right of access:
- Agrees access;
- Contacts Service Manager to register decision;
- Contacts CASTLE Team to arrange temporary login.
- External organisation access relevant files securely.
Please complete all of the sections detailed below.
- Name of requester:
- Signature of requestor:
- Organisation details:
- Name(s) of subject(s) whose information is to be accessed:
- Date of birth of above subject(s):
- Do you have written consent from the subjects to access their personal information? If so please forward a copy of this consent to us with this completed application. (N.B Children of 12 years and over are required to give their own consents - parental consent will not be accepted in these circumstances).
- If the social care information to be accessed relates to a child aged under 12, do you have written parental consent for access? If so please forward a copy of this consent to us with your completed application.
- What specific information do you need to access?
- Why is access required?
- Are you relying on any of the legislative powers below to request access, if so please circle or if any other powers/reasons please detail these below?
E.g. Section 42 of the Children Act 1989 - right of access by a Children’s Guardian.
Section 47 Children Act 1989 child protection enquiries.
Section 10 Children Act 2004 - ability to request access by bodies that are engaged with a child in the local authority’s area in the child's welfare/best interests.
Data Protection Act 2018 request (third parties will need consent of the data subject).
Data Protection Act 2018 - crime prevention (To be dealt with by Information Governance).
Data Protection Act 2018 - Information required as part of court proceedings or under agreed Annex B child abuse protocol (for Nottinghamshire only) (To be dealt with by Information Governance).
Insert detail:
- If access to the full files is not required and answers to a set series of questions would be sufficient, please detail these questions in a covering letter containing answers to all of the above questions.
Many thanks for your co-operation and assistance in the completion of this from. This form will be used as part of an audit trail of who has accessed social care information and why. It will not be shared with any persons outside of Nottingham City Council except as in accordance with the law. All information provided will be appropriately handled, processed and stored in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018. For more information please contact Information Governance, Nottingham City Council, (e-mail or telephone (0115) 915 4155).
Last Updated: June 9, 2023